Friday, September 9, 2011

The Rock Show

 Outfit Details: Skirt- Vintage from The Atomic Garage, Blouse- Forever 21, Tank Top- Target, Cardigan- Target, Socks- Target, Sneakers- Converse, Daisy Clip- Made by me
 These were my first pair of converse, I got them when I was 13 and just getting into punk and alternative music. I haven't worn them in a few years, but I just found them in my storage unit the other day and knew I had to break em out for the Blink-182 concert. 

Last night I went and saw Blink-182 and My Chemical Romance in concert and it was a huge blast! I had so much fun with my friends, singing along and dancing. It was a great way to spend an evening, I must say. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I Love Your hair...So lucky, here, in Brazil, never have a Blink-182 concert

  3. Keep it up Alexandria, congratulations!

  4. His blog is being published on our website!
    We of Brazil love you!

  5. This outfit is great! There's nothing like an old pair of Converse. :]
